Sunday, June 8, 2014

What Tech Are You Excited For In 2014?

CES and Mobile World Congress have come and gone: we now have a long list of new and notable products for 2014. What follows are the ones we're most looking forward to. That includes ubiquitous connectivity -- call it "smart" appliances, or "the Internet of Things" -- streaming entertainment, 3D printing, and a shift toward mobile computing (more phones, more tablets). The iPhone 6 should have a larger display, as well, possibly in the 5.5-inch range, while the smaller handset may be closer to 4.7 inches. iOS 8 will be released in the fall, according to Apple. iPhones have been released in the summer before, but not for several years. Lately, iPhones debut in September, right alongside new iOS software. If there's one product that holds the promise of bringing sci-fi-style virtual reality to consumers, it's Oculus Rift. We've seen the product progress from prototype in 2012 to the much more polished "Crystal Cove" iteration at CES 2014. The release date and pricing still haven't been finalized, but let's hope it's sooner rather than later -- we can't wait. The $35 Chromecast stole a lot of Roku's thunder in 2013, but the streaming pioneer has counterpunched in a big way with the new Roku Streaming Stick. It's a bit pricier at $50, but it includes a full remote control (though app control works as well) and more than 1,200 apps, including many must-have offerings that aren't available on Chromecast, like Watch ESPN, Showtime Anytime, and Time Warner Cable.
After months of rumors, it appears that Sony's online TV service is real -- or will be, later in 2014. Rumors were scant at CES, but the company officially announced that the service is slated to arrive later in 2014. Will it offer a worthwhile alternative to cable and satellite where so many others have failed? Time will tell.

In this video we count down the top 5 picks for the best new tech of 2014.
While things like electric cars have been around for a very long time new technologies like virtual reality and 4K are taking storm this year.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


                                    How to Gain Attention for Your Content

As the web continues to grow, gaining the attention of customers becomes harder and harder.
Imagine if you NEVER had to worry about gaining attention anymore, imagine if attention just happened...and it came whilst you slept, whilst you were busy living life and you never had to worry about attention again....
Sound great? 
Well, the secret of gaining more attention is by not making attention your goal.
Let me explain because this appears counterintuitive to all that I have blogged about before....
When you aim for attention the reader can feel that in your writing, in your videos, in your podcasts.
Attention should not be your goal; just the outcome of great social marketing.
Social marketing at its best is customer centric; It puts the reader, the consumer at its core. When you produce content marketing based around the need of the customer, it attracts not just the eye but the heart of your customer.
               Attention is something that the customer gives you IF you earn it.
The problem comes when business believe they are so great, that they offer something so great that all they have to do is tell people about it....and they will give it attention.
Attention is a scarce resource; it needs to be mined from the customers mind.
Attention mining is like mining for gold. You need to put yourself in the right places. You need to filter your content for that tiny nugget that will shine so brightly it will attract the eye. You need to understand what is truly precious to your customer and create content to appeal to that precious need.
When you focus on attention as the goal, you focus on the quantity rather than the quality of the attention. When you see attention as an outcome of great marketing you focus upon the content.

Monday, April 7, 2014

How To: Using Google Glass to Capture and Publish Video.

Google Glass can make the creation of video content for business, education, and entertainment easy for all people who want to communicate simply and quickly. This presentation looks at Glass and its capabilities, and discusses best practices. Google Glass is expected to reach store shelves sometime in 2014. And when it does, the connected headset could do more than change the wearable tech market: it could change Google, too. As we steadily merge with our technology, the focus is on devices that enhance our senses and minds and knit us together in new ways.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hello everyone, Welcome to my blog. My name is Kirk Briscoe and I am a Digital Media Content Creator and Strategist. I will be discussing my views on the most insightful media trends and how to take advantage of new communication technologies to build brands. First let me tell you about my new StartUp.


VideosforPromo specializes in multi-media production and distribution for Web, TV and Multimedia platforms. We supply media production services to a wide range of clients. Some even make us wear name tags when we're in their facilities. Occasionally, when we're really lucky, we can be seen wearing hair nets while shooting video for food companies.

One of our creative directors will meet with you and your staff, interact with your product, tour your facility, or see and hear testimonials from customers or employees. Imagine the benefits you’ll reap with an innovative video package, designed to meet your unique marketing objectives!
From a simple video introduction that welcomes visitors to your site, to seamlessly integrated full-video campaigns for your company, our team of talented professionals can handle everything from pre-production:

Concept development
On-camera talent
Location sourcing... to post-production services, including:

Video effects
Music and sound production
Social Media Video Marketing

We also offer an innovative suite of services for social media video marketing which allows popular search engines such as YouTube, Revver, Metacafe, Viddler and many more video social media hubs to access your site, pushing your marketing message far beyond the confines of a traditional text-and-graphics based website. Corporate Films, Infotainment. Lean and mean, high quality cinematic production for commercials, industrials, indie film and anything else you want to make awesome.

Our holistic approach to media production and client service starts with complete transparency. No egos, no BS. Just our extensive experience and ability to get things done cleanly and efficiently. We weave compelling stories with creative editorial. We bring brands, insights, company values, and personal stories to life. We're masters of story telling. What's your story?